About The Course

The League’s Python Apprentice curriculum introduces students to the core feature of Python using professional tools like Github and Visual Studio Code. The course is aligned with the PCEP™ – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer exam from the Python Institue, so students who have completed this course will be familiar with all of material on the test.

Modules and PCEP Alignment

The association between PCEP text sections and topics and the top level lessons in this course are shown below.


The Turtles modules is a gentle introduction to Python syntax and flow of operations using the built-in turtle module.

PCEP Alignment

  • PCEP-30-01 1.1 – Understand Fundamental Terms and Definitions

    • Interpreting and the Interpreter, Compilation and the Compiler

    • Lexis, Syntax, and Semantics

  • PCEP-30-01 1.2 – Understand Python’s Logic and Structure

    • Keywords

    • Instructions

    • Indentation

    • Comments


This section covers essential programming concepts related to types, logic, and decision-making in Python, aligning with the PCEP-30-01 objectives. It includes topics such as literals, numeral systems, operators, string manipulation, data type determination, and control flow using conditional statements.

PCEP Alignment

  • PCEP-30-01 1.3 – Use and Understand Different Types of Literals and Numeral Systems

    • Boolean, Integers, Floating-Point Numbers

    • Scientific Notation

    • Strings

    • Binary, Octal, Decimal, and Hexadecimal Numeral Systems

    • Variables

    • Naming Conventions

  • PCEP-30-01 1.4 – Choose Operators and Data Types Adequate to the Problem

    • Numeric Operators: ** * / % // +

    • String Operators: * +

    • Assignment and Shortcut Operators

  • PCEP-30-01 2.2 – Perform Complex Input/Output Operations

    • The print() and input() Functions

    • The sep= and end= Keyword Parameters

    • The int(), float(), str(), and len() Functions

    • Type Casting

  • PCEP-30-01 2.3 – Operate on Strings

    • Constructing, Assigning, Indexing, and Slicing Strings

    • Immutability

    • Quotes and Apostrophes Inside Strings

    • Escaping Using the \ Character

    • Basic String Functions and Methods

  • PCEP-30-01 2.1 – Build Complex Expressions and Determine Data Type

    • Unary and Binary Operators

    • Priorities and Binding

    • Bitwise Operators: ~ & ^ | << >>

    • Boolean Operators: not, and, or

    • Boolean Expressions

    • Relational Operators ( == != > >= < <= )

    • The Accuracy of Floating-Point Numbers

  • PCEP-30-01 3.1 – Make Decisions and Branch the Flow with the if Instruction

    • Conditional Statements: if, if-else, if-elif, if-elif-else

    • Multiple Conditional Statements

    • Nesting Conditional Statements


This section delves into the use of loops in Python, essential for iterating over data structures and controlling program flow. It aligns with the PCEP-30-01 objectives, covering loop construction, execution control, and the manipulation of lists for data processing.

PCEP Alignment

  • PCEP-30-01 3.2 – Perform Different Types of Loops

    • The pass Instruction

    • Building Loops with while, for, range(), and in

    • Iterating Through Sequences

    • Expanding Loops with while-else and for-else

    • Nesting Loops and Conditional Statements

    • Controlling Loop Execution with break and continue

  • PCEP-30-01 4.1 – Collect and Process Data Using Lists

    • Constructing Vectors

    • Indexing and Slicing

    • The len() Function

    • List Methods: append(), insert(), index(), etc.

    • Functions: len(), sorted()

    • The del Instruction

    • Iterating Through Lists with the for Loop

    • Initializing Loops

    • The in and not in Operators

    • List Comprehensions

    • Copying and Cloning

    • Lists in Lists: Matrices and Cubes


This section explores essential Python data structures like tuples and dictionaries, highlighting their characteristics and operations. It also covers function definition, invocation, and the interaction between functions and their environments.

PCEP Alignment

  • PCEP-30-01 4.2 – Collect and Process Data Using Tuples

    • Tuples: Indexing, Slicing, Building, Immutability

    • Tuples vs. Lists: Similarities and Differences

    • Lists Inside Tuples and Tuples Inside Lists

  • PCEP-30-02 4.3 – Collect and Process Data Using Dictionaries

    • Dictionaries: Building, Indexing, Adding and Removing Keys

    • Iterating Through Dictionaries and Their Keys and Values

    • Checking the Existence of Keys

    • Methods: keys(), items(), and values()

  • PCEP-30-01 5.1 – Decompose the Code Using Functions

    • Defining and Invoking User-Defined Functions and Generators

    • The return Keyword, Returning Results

    • The None Keyword

    • Recursion

  • PCEP-30-01 5.2 – Organize Interaction Between the Function and Its Environment

    • Parameters vs. Arguments

    • Positional, Keyword, and Mixed Argument Passing

    • Default Parameter Values

    • Name Scopes, Name Hiding (Shadowing), and the global Keyword