# Getting Started ```{toctree} :hidden: gs_codespaces gs_ide ``` To get started with this course, you will: 1. Create an account on [Github](https://github.com). 2. Tell us your Github name so we can track your progress. 3. Make a copy of the source code repository for the course. 4. Start the web-based programming editor to begin the course. ## 1: Get a Github Account Github is a professional source code repository, and almost everything you do at the League will involve Github, so let's start with creating a Github account. Create an Account at Github If you already have an account, sign into it now. ## 2: Tell Us Your Github Name Let us know your Github name so we can track your progress by filling out and submitting this form: If you aren't a League student you can skip it, but we'd still love to know who you are. ## 3: Get the Source Code Click this button to "fork" the source code:
Fork Repository Fork Repository

Then, on the next page, click on the button. This will copy the whole course into your Github account. When the fork is finished, you can start your web based programming editor. ( If you are more currious, you can [visit the course repository](https://github.com/league-curriculum/Python-Apprentice), and then fork from there. ) ## 4: Start the Codespace ### Enable progress reporting After the code is forked, you wil see the web page for the course repository, named 'Python-Apprentice', in your Github account. Click on the menu item, then click on this big green button: This will allow your repo to tell The League when you check in code ( using a GIthub action in the .github directory ) , so we can track your progress. If you aren't a League student, you can skip it. Now click on the menu item to go back to the main page. ### Create a new Codespace Next, on the main repository page, look for the button. Click on the button, and after the window pops up, click on the "Codespaces" tab. It will look like this: Click on the "Create codespace on master" button. A new tab or window will open, and it will read that it is "Setting up your codespace". This may take a few minutes. When it is done, you will have a Visual Studio Code window, which will look something like this: You are ready to start your lessons. You editor window should be displaying the README file, and at the bottom of that file it will tell you which lesson to start with, `lessons/lessons/00_Turtles/01_Get_Started.ipynb` ## Tip :::{tip} If you want to run an IDE on your local machine, rather than the web, see [Getting Started with an IDE](./gs_ide.md). :::